I guess my hormones haven't been so nice to me lately. I hate it when this happens. It's like there isn't anything that you have to be upset about but you end up getting upset about anything and everything in the world. This frustrates me, a lot! You just can't control it, it just happens.
I'm trying very hard nowadays to not complain about my problems elsewhere besides to Allah, besides in my prayers. But SOMETIMES, I just can't help it but to pen it down which I do best. And today, I don't even want to get there on what are my thoughts. What is basically haunting me.
So let's put that all aside.
Friday and the weekends are my cheat day. And so yesterday, I was craving for rice and I headed to a stall nearby Tanglin Mall where a Malay family sells Nasi Padang. The price is not cheap, a rice + 3 vegetables could easily cost up to $4.50 what more if you have 1 meat, you end up paying $5 +++. But heck, I was so hungry yesterday.
Me: Cik. Nasi bungkus, satu.
Uncle: Lauk apa awak nak?
Me: Kasih saya kuah lemak cili padi dengan ayam dia sekali, hot dog dengan fishcake tu, sama telur.
Uncle: Okay.
Me: Brape cik?
Uncle: Sebab awak cantik, gigi awak pun cantik. Abang kasih $1 discount.
Me: Ah? Terima kasih banyak-banyak.
Uncle: Sama-sama. Besok jangan lupa datang lagi okay.
May Allah bless his good deeds! The moment I opened my food package to eat, the amount of rice is OH MY GOODNESS. Hahahahaha! So much rice. Lol!
I took half-day leave yesterday because I had an appointment with NSC. The moment I met up with the doctor. I got told off by her because I had bangs. She told me now it's not a good idea for me to have bangs and asked me to clip up my fringe, not until my face clears up. Tskkk.
But hormones you know what! First time ever I had such a fierce doctor. And so I was put on antibiotics again. Gosh! I HATE this medicine to the core. I have been taking this for almost a good one year. I don't want to grow resistance to this antibiotic or even put my liver to harm for a long term antibiotic used. And the amount I spend each time paying for skin doctor is just errrrrrrrrr.
Headed home in the train, there was this old man standing and so I gave up my seat for him. After which, 2 person gave up their seat for me. I don't know why, but there are times that I meet kind soul like this. And they didn't give up their seat because I look pregnant or old & fragile okay! Lol!
I was craving for llao llao and the nearest llao llao I could think of was in Westmall. So I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I decided to watch 'Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen' too after llao llao. The movie is SUPER HILARIOUS that I end up laughing like I have never laugh this hard for the longest time.
Rating: 5/5 Popcorns!
Maybe I was born to have more testosterone. HAHA! Because after watching that movie, I told myself, I would LOVE to have that kind of hard core training and I wish I was in the army like my girlfriend, Amanda. She always tell me it's crazy and that I might not be able to take it but you'll be surprised.
If I hadn't fall sick before, I would have either sign up for the Army or the SPF after completing my Diploma, honestly. Because I am always into all these, trainings and man-stuff. Haha! Even though my NPCC days are not as crazy as that but it was of course a quarter crazy. I remember those hard core, then, training I had. The running, the drills, the shooting, the courses after courses, camp after camp, competitions after competitions, test after test, exam after exams, interviews after interviews, punishment after punishment. Everything was not only physical challenging for me, they were also mentally challenging. And I was the only 1 of the 2 girls there. If you're not strong enough, you either drop and quit like some of them. But I stayed and work my way till I was promoted to Station Inspector before finally leaving school. I am not that lembik okay!
And besides the pumping position down, drop 20, drop 50 punishment etc and having to scrape our mass tin off with sands to remove the black marks due to "cooking" and picking tiny bits of food that drops on the floor, I still remember the CHANGING PARADE!! I hated this to the core. Hahaha! Already in the morning and afternoon, you go through so much hard core trainings that tires you like crazy in Full Uniform. And when at night in your PT attire, you are already settled down wanting to have a good sleep after a long day. But 3 hours into your sleep like 0230 hours in the morning, you are woken up with shoutings, siren and loud bangs of the dustbin to change to your Full Uniform again within 10 minutes.
I remember I was sleeping on the table with my other girl squadmate in the classroom when I jumped down from the table and slightly sprained my ankle. But I wasn't given much excuse though. I didn't even had time to rush to the toilet to change. So both of us quickly grabbed our uniform cover sheet, undress from our PT attire, inside the classroom while squatting down so that the boys wouldn't see us, and change into our Full inform.
So for every crumpled uniform or whatever that wasn't up to standard, your badges, your socks, untie shoe lace or whatever, for every 1 accountable mistake, you had to drop 5 each. Lol! I think I had to drop 5 due to my name tag that was slanted. HAHA! I was lucky that my uniform wasn't that crumpled because I remember chucking it away thinking we wouldn't need to wear it anymore.
Till here. Today shall be a relax Saturday for me that I am finally not working and taking a break. I shall laze around like a Snorlax today. Hooyah!
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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