11 NOVEMBER 2016
Woke up slightly later than yesterday but I did wake up first than everyone else but I went to bed again. Hehehe! It was then around11.30am when Hernie & Syafiqah woke me up to have breakfast together. This time again, I took care of Shayleen while breakfast was being prepared.
Shayleen squeaky toy
Well of course, by the time we eat, it was already afternoon. So brunch that is.
D didn't text me as often as the day before as he was back to work and no longer on course. At the same time he was on full OT shift also. That man, here I am "enjoying" and all he does is work, work, work.

Shayleen was excited. That girl really loves water!!
Hernie actually forgot to bring her float from home and so she bought Shayleen this float for RM30 at Aeon Mall the night before. The scary thing, you see how unstable that float is. I mean it's not unstable, just that Shayleen loves to see what's under the pool. So, she kept looking down that way, when suddenly she overturned and went inside the water heads down. Hernie screamed at the top of her voice and Syafiqah quickly swim over but it was too slippery when Syafiqah tried to grab Shayleen by her hands, Shayleen slipped again inside the pool heads down. (I feel so scared or rather still feel that scary sensation when the whole thing happened.) I was actually doing swimming quite away from them, but I managed to faster swim towards Shayleen and just grabbed her by the feet up! I couldn't think of anything else, not to even grab her properly by hands or what. I just had to get her out of the water. She managed to breathe the water out of her mouth and nose. Everyone panicked and Hernie still feeling scared but I just had to calm everyone down and said that babies are natural swimmers, but that doesn't seem to calm Hernie down though. But guess what? Shayleen wasn't scared, she still wanted to swim after all that. LOL!
Here is one picture me trying to hold her as I was swimming in the deep pool and she wanted to be in the pool as well. But of course lah, I hold tight to her. Just sometimes, I thank God that I at least could swim, even though I can be quite useless in some other aspects sometimes. *Hugs Shayleen*
Kilang Bateri
After Maghrib, we grabcar to Kilang Bateri. As you notice, we use a lot of Grabcar services because it's easy and cheap-cheap. Hehehe! This place is the bomb I tell you. They have all this you call hipster café and sell a lot of in-trend clothes that teenagers and adults like us like to wear. And the best thing, this is the best place to get clothes that are decent wearing at an affordable price. Unlike H&M or Cotton On places like that, they have both choices, the covered & revealing ones which always never fail to tempt me to buy the revealing ones. Lol!
So before we started shopping for clothes and other stuff, we tried this Dim Sum from Pondok Dim Sum.
Salted Egg Siew Mai & Chicken Dumplings.
Bought this I-Jumbo Green Milk Tea and Caramel Vanilla Milk Tea that taste like paddle pop ice-cream from this stall. Worth my RM5!
Thanks to 'Suri Hati Mr Pilot' that I am currently watching right now, I bought Neelofa's shawl. It was super affordable. The one I bought was RM53 and had had 20% discount when I bought 2. I know I won't look like Wardah or Neelofa when I don on the shawl but neverminddddd as long as I am happy. I had to don on the tudung for my pre-marriage course anyway. Lol!
Finally! Managed to get this Polo shirt for D. Yayness!
I even bought myself 2 palazzo pants. Now I have to somehow stock up more of tutup aurat clothes since......... Although, I am still very much open to other clothes. Hehehe!
When we reached home, it was part 2 of taking care of Shayleen while Hernie & Syafiqah cooked to make dinner. Yada, dinner is served!
Angel Hair Bolognese.
This time we slept slightly later as Hernie & Syafiqah did the laundry hoping to dry them before we go home the next day. I continued watching 'Suri Hati Mr Pilot' in the living room while waiting for my food to digest. Hernie & Syafiqah then went inside their room to pack. I waited for them to finish packing that I end up falling asleep and so I went inside my room to sleep.
12 NOVEMBER 2016
We were supposed to check-out by 12pm but the owner of the apartment was nice and allow us to check-out by 1pm. Hernie placed all my washed clothes on the table for me to pack home when I wake up first thing in the morning. It was then, I realized I bought quite a bit of bulky things that I could not fit them all into my bag. I bought 2 high sandals and my coffees was also the problem. I tried to force squeeze everything in, which I managed and my bags felt super heavy and it almost torn! Tsk.
City Square Mall
Hernie then carried Shayleen with a baby carrier wrap, so that I could use Shayleen's pram to place all my bags. Less burden on my shoulder but more burden to push the pram around. Syafiqah couldn't help with the pram because she had 2 huge luggage with her. I am NEVER good with trolleys. They always seems to go another way than the way I intended to go. Since everybody else have many things at hand, I had no choice but to push the pram around. It was OKAY pushing it, not until I find the struggle to bring it up and down the escalator. GOSH! Almost killed me.
We settled for lunch at Express Thai since the one in Singapore ain't Halal.
As we were deciding what food to order, Shayleen started being cranky because she was already feeling hungry. That's when Hernie realized that she left Shayleen's bag full of her milk stuff & bottle in the Grabcar that sent us to City Square Mall. (She almost forgot her phone yesterday when we went to Kilang Bateri and LUCKY I just happened to look back at the passenger's seat which I don't usually do that and saw that she left both her phone and the apartment pass.) But this time, it really happened. But thank God, the grabcar guy was nice that he U-turn back and return the things back to us. Alhamdulilah!
Thai Sukiyaki Nam - It was spicy and okay-okay. I find the noodles a bit hard to swallow like as if I was eating jellyfish something so slippery slimmer-y. Lol! But still not bad.
I don't know what this is called but this is the nicesssst!!! It's like a French toast with prawns slices inside. Yummy yum yum!
Hernie then told Syafiqah to buy the KTM train ticket for us to head back to Singapore while waiting for the food to cool down. And guess what?! Syafiqah called back at the ticketing counter telling us that all the tickets at 4.30pm, 5pm and 7pm was SOLD OUT. We didn't know what to feel. Upset, annoyed and angry. Yes, we could have taken the bus back home but Syafiqah had like a HUGE luggage with her that it won't be possible to take the bus. And I had the pram with me too remember? Taking bus will literally kill me!!So we just continued eating our food and hoping that the public won't be too crazy on us. After lunch, we dragged our feet around. I was supposed to buy D somemore shirt (He is always wearing the same few shirt over and over again) but I was short of 10RM. It felt so pathetic like how in Singapore I can just literally use card or withdraw money nearby to buy the things that I want but here, if I'm short of cash and I didn't change the money to Ringgit, means I don't have anymore money left. Hernie wanted to lend me her RM10 but I figure out, it's okay. D can live without the shirt since I already bought him something yesterday and I can get him these shirt next time.
Malaysia Custom
We made our way to Malaysia custom when we saw the ticketing area again. Hernie decided to just ask the counter again and coincidentally, 3 person happened to change their train ticket timing to a later timing and we got 3 tickets back home at 5pm by KTM. Syukur Alhamdulilah!! So so happy that pushing the pram wasn't so much of a problem for me, but still a problem. Lol! Because as I was trying to push the pram up the escalator I almost fall back down like a domino, pushing Hernie and Shayleen back. Luckily, there was this guy (I bet he is a Singaporean) whom quickly hold on to me and "saved" me mannnn. And Hernie was like "Cute sia lelaki tu datang terus save kau gitu. Ish! Melebih pula aku." HAHAHA! And he helped me with the pram all the way up the escalator since there were more than 1 escalator. Haiyazzz! Hehehe!
Another pram affair at the Malaysia Custom, when I was supposed to put the stuff into that baggage scanner.
Apart the Malaysia custom when I was in the train, there were really some other nice people who helped me to carry the pram in and out of the train upon seeing me struggling with the pram. May God bless people like this. See the difference in Singaporeans?

Woodlands Checkpoint
Seeing all those people in uniform, whom I used to be so scared of because I always think they are scary and of higher authority people. HAHAHA! But now I no longer am afraid of. All thanks to D. Hahahahaha! One of the ICA officer asked me as I was pushing the pram "Is there a baby inside?" Tsk. No baby apparently, all food stuff. Makes me look kuku pushing the pram around without the baby. Lol!
Hernie helped me to carry the stuff to be scanned at the baggage scanner and yay! We are back in Singaporeeeee! Feeling tired and it was raining heavily too, we grabcar all the way back home together.
All in all, I did enjoy my vacation. A good way to de-stress from the busy life of Singapore. Oh well, what to do now that I am back to reality.
But the good thing, it's Sunday today and I'll get to enjoy one last weekend before going back to work. I'll too, get to meet D in a while later. Alhamdulilah! Back in the arms of the man I love. Missing my very own Suri Hati Mr

Toodles Noodles.
Princess Azie Anni ♥
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