It was a last minute thingy that the boyfriend won a pair of movie tickets to watch ‘The Darkest Hour’ 3D under my name at WE Cinema at CityLink Mall. Alhamdulilah! Glad the boyfriend is always lucky like that. =) It won’t come easy if it won’t be for Allah’s willing too. Amin!
Ratings: 3/5 Popcorns
While I was watching this movie, it just feels like it was another Final Destination, 2012 or I am Legend kind of movie. But still, I give do credits for the actions that were in the movie. And usually like for Final Destination or certain movies when a cast dies, we will either be sad or goes like “Oh shit! Why does he have to die?!” But in this movie, I just went “Oh, he died.” Lol!
Seriously directors?! Firstly, you people made movies on aliens, and then they have like 2012 about so called tsunami and world is going to end. (I can’t really recall the whole movie thingy), then they have I am Legend which is another kind of zombie and the world was about to end and they have The Day After Tomorrow which was about Ice freezes and the world was about to end and now some LIGHTNING ALIEN thingy and the world was about to end?! Nah, come on man!
And their 3D glasses are like so freaking oh-my-god! Move a little bit off from your seat and there you go, super blur vision when watching on screen. I kept complaining about how blur my vision was and get my boyfriend all so work out that he thinks there is something wrong with my eyes and wants to bring me to go for an eye check-up tomorrow. It was only when we exchange glasses and people kept heading to change to a new 3D glasses that I realized it was kind of faulty. ZZZ!
Head home after that and another day of skipping dinner. I hate late dinner and I wouldn’t eat if it’s 10pm onwards. Not because I’m on a strict diet or what but if I eat beyond that and I’ll go to bed, I’ll wake up and vomit everything out. I totally HATE that feeling of vomiting my food out, the acidic feeling. YUCKS!
I also catch another movie today on the iPhone, ‘Larry Crowne. Catch it on the bus while I was on the way to work, during my morning tea break, while having lunch and finally during the afternoon tea break. How useful can my iPhone be?

And not only that, it also directed me where to stop since I have no freaking idea where the nearest station was. COOL RIGHT?! I can never live without you iPhone!
Ratings: 2/5 Popcorns
“When you think everything worth having has passed you by,
you might just discover your reason to live.”
you might just discover your reason to live.”
Azie: I watched Larry Crowne today too!
Boyf: Really dear? How was it?
Azie: Boringgggg. Super slow other than the funny scenes.
Boyf: I thought so too. That movie is for old people.
Azie: HAHAHA! What?! Where did you even get that from?
Boyf: Really dear? How was it?
Azie: Boringgggg. Super slow other than the funny scenes.
Boyf: I thought so too. That movie is for old people.
Azie: HAHAHA! What?! Where did you even get that from?
And something just has to piss me off a little bit regarding this comment.
Seriously, can people just stop being racist already and spur each other’s feelings?! Be sensitive!
Goodnight, I need to catch my sleep now.
Princessazie Bella<3
Elena Gilbert(:
Elena Gilbert(:
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