Friday, December 02, 2011

Bring yourself closer to Allah

¨°o.O (Post) O.o° 2357 hours

If you’re facing difficulties or problems, NEVER choose options like smoking, clubbing or drinking to de-stress, instead bring yourself closer to God, Allah. He will DEFINITELY find a way out for you and ease the heart. Trust me, been there done that!

I do agree that at times when I’m mad or I have problems after problems that just keep piling on me. I feel like going out to club, to drink and to smoke like those people whom you see them almost everywhere. They look so stress free, NOT.

But seriously, if you think with a clear mind, those stuffs up there is not worth risking for at all. The consequences are frightening! You might be addicted to alcohol and smoking which will harm yourself and the people around you especially. Definitely, you’ll end up behaving differently than before because of the different environment you’re in and the company you’re with. And worst could be if someone spike your drink and…I don’t even want to elaborate what can happen after that.

So, in conclusion, the effect and influence of Syaitan are only temporary happiness. But you’ll only end up destroying your life and future. And by the time when you’re living life full of regret and realized it will all be too late and definitely not worth it at all.

I always pray and hope I won’t be one of them who will live with guilt and regret for the rest of my life because it’s just scary. Just like the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Princessazie Bella<3
Elena Gilbert(:

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