Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tanda - Tanda Kematian Orang Islam

¨°o.O (Post) O.o° 21 Dec 11, 0008 hours

I’m not sure if anyone has ever seen this “movie” before but it’s the best religious moral story ever! My secretary was telling me about this show she was watching but she only watch it half-way and hasn’t seen the end yet. Interest by its storyline, I decided to play it on YouTube on my way back home.

And I can’t believe it that Mom has already watched it when I asked her about this show. She even told me there is a Part 2 to it. I’ve got to find the Part 2. Anyway, it’s a sad movie and at the same time it just gives me the goose bumps! Death. It is something that nobody in this world will escape, every LIVING THING; LIVING PERSON on earth will eventually die. The only thing that differs is where, when and how.

After watching this, I seriously shouldn’t be saying things like ‘I want to die’ each time when I face any problems. And I’m sure it doesn’t only apply to me, everyone has said that before like wanting to die, so that they could run away from their problems by leaving this world. But ask again? Cukup ke bekalan amalan yang kita ada untuk masa akhirat kelak?

Tanda-tanda kematiaan orang Islam (Signs of death of the Muslim)

The link to the movie,

Azie: I was watching this show and it tells you the different sign that is going to happen when death is near.
Boyf: What show it is?
Azie: 100 hari sebelum kematiaan. And one of the sign is someone who suddenly who don’t usually feel like eating and suddenly has the appetite to eat and keeps wanting to eat.

I know I was just like scaring myself when I said this because I had like super big appetite the other week.

Boyf: Please don’t say such stuff sayang, please. You've been acting all so weird lately. Start praying, being so nice and not like yourself. You're really scaring me. I really don’t want to lose you! =(
Azie: I don’t want to lose you either but like it has been said and written, Qadak & Qadar, you can never change it sayang. And I change because I need to.
Boyf: Please promise me you’ll look out for cars when you’re crossing the road and and no playing of iPhones especially!
Azie: Nothing will ever change our fate dear.
Boyf: At least, it’s better to be careful =(
Azie: Insyaallah sayang. And you too, promise me you'll be careful too.

I'll always pray for us and always pray for all my love ones. Insyaallah! And before I take my beauty sleep, I leave you people with this quoted by that movie itself,

Dunia ini hanya sementara,
akhirat lah kehidupan kita,
matlamat kita yang sebenar
Ponder on it.

Princessazie Bella<3
Elena Gilbert(:

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